Ghost and the Darkness Discussion Guide

3 Ways To Stay In The Light

1. Be Truthful

  1. 1st John 5:6- if we say we have fellowship with God and walk in darkness, WE LIE and do not the truth…

    God and Truth go hand and hand, just as Satan and lies go hand and hand.

Eph. 6:14 it says the first (notice first) defense against the devil is the belt of truth!

Job 24:13-17- People do evil in the dark… They don't want their deeds exposed so they lie and don't

come into the light.

2. Confess Your Sins

1st John 1:8-9- If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us….

Eph. 5:13- … Whatsoever makes manifest is light!

When you shine a light on the sin you commit, that is living in the light! And when you do, it invites God to come and cleanse it and it also invites the person you sinned against to do the same. 

3. Take Off Any Costume 

1st John 1:10 - is referencing someone who is hiding their sinful lifestyle like someone wearing a costume!

Let’s Talk About This

  1. Why do people keep things in the dark?

  2. Is this a safe community to share things that you’ve been keeping in the dark? Why or Why not?

  3. Give people some time to get things of their chest that they have been hiding.

Diversity Church