Remember What God Has Done Discussion Guide
Joshua 4:5-7- When they passed through the River Jordan, they were instructed to take out 12 stones, and make a memorial for the Israelites to remember what God has done.
1. A Memorial For the Beginning
God has called this church for such a time as this! And throughout our journey, he has provided for us, sustained us, and led us to where we are now! But we started somewhere and WE SHOULD NEVER FORGET THAT!
Deut. 8:2-5-(The part about the stones we read is referring to when they are first leaving the wilderness to start their journey to the promised land) It basically says that he humbled you and sustained you without a home roaming in the wilderness!
2. A Memorial For this Past Year
We have dedicated this Sunday of the year to celebrate our anniversary like people celebrate birthdays.
Romans 14:6( MSG)….If you keep a day Holy, keep it for God’s sake.
3. A Memorial Of People
The reason we exist (One of our core values) is for SOULS!
In the history of our church, histories are being changed!
Maybe you're right in the middle of the river, and you don't know why you're going through what you're going through, I promise you God, can make sense by giving you stones to take out of the river as a memorial to others once you get to the other side!
Let’s Talk About This:
What are the things we do know to remember what God has done for us?
What are some things we can do better so as not to forget what God has done for us?