Ghost Stories Discussion Guide
Everybody has a Ghost Story that you have heard or some that you may have told yourself. Maybe around a campfire or maybe just in conversation around a dinner table.
Mark 6:46-51
What is interesting about this story is that they thought something was a Ghost that wasn’t. They were mistaken, they were frightened and scared for no good reason.
True Ghost Stories
GHOST- comes from the Greek word “Pneuma”- Where we get the word Pneumonia from… it literally means BREATH or Spirit.
Mark 15:37- Jesus Cried with a loud voice and gave up the Ghost…. He gave up the Spirit.
So are Ghosts for real? Are there such things as ghosts? Absolutely… We all have a Ghost. We all have a Spirit that makes up our personality.
False Ghost Stories
They are not the spirits of people that have died that come back and haunt or commune with people. THAT’S FALSE!
2 Cor. 5:8- For a Christian- To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
Luke 16:22-26- Story of the Rich man and Lazarus- The rich man (who didn't know the Lord) was being tormented in a place called Hades(also known as hell) after he died. There was no way out of this place… Lazarus Spirit was in Paradise… Neither could leave… The rich man asked for Lazarus to go warn his family.
(so ghosts are not uncle bob or dad)
Scary Ghost Stories
Lev 19:31 (NKJV, NLV)- Do not DEFILE YOURSELF by trying to contact the dead…
-People do this by using Mediums, Psychics, Playing with Ouija boards.
Saul went to the Which of Endor to try and contact a dead Spirit in 1st Samuel 28, This witch does a seance and the next day Saul died!!!
Let’s Talk about this
What has your experience been in being taught about “ghosts” or stories you may have?
What are some truths you have learned tonight?