The Reality of Spread

We have spent hours walking up and down the streets of our new neighborhood asking the Father to show us something that is missing in this part of town. So many folks have asked, “What’s next?”  I respond, “This is the year of listening.” We must take some time to walk with these neighbors and listen to their stories. Hear what the needs are and what isn’t being done yet from other churches or ministries in this city. There are plenty of needs, and a particular reason the Spirit has sent us here.

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Diversity Church
The I in Indy - The Nap In Indianapolis

The City has definitely awakened more in business and commerce, but has fallen asleep in the area of morality, righteousness, justice, love and other things… And It's the church's responsibility to take the resurrection life that we celebrate on Easter to help us wake up and help Nap town do the same! Ephesians 5:14 tells us to “Awake you that sleep! Arise & Light up!”

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Diversity Church
The Fifth Rhythm : A love for Scripture & Prayer

We are encouraging a new generation to study the Scriptures honestly—to pursue truth even when it doesn't agree with our natural impulses. The vision of Read Scripture is not to tell people what the Bible says, but to teach them how to discover truth for themselves in the Word.

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Diversity Church