The Fifth Rhythm : A love for Scripture & Prayer

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Our heart isn’t that we would begin some movement of growth of adding members, leaders, or staff. Growth for the sake of growth is empty and impacts nothing more than adding a few followers to our social pages. Our heart is to see the rhythms of the life that Jesus lived, played out into every disciple in our ministry. I want to see our people become a family of servants on mission to make disciples that make disciples for the glory of God. I want to see us living out this identity to our city with an unapologetic passion. I want to see us truly developing a community of saints and skeptics.

In our Discipleship Guide you’ll see a layout of our Four Rhythms of Discipleship.

Neighborhood Activities; where Saints go to Skeptics to celebrate and serve together.

Dinner Parties; where Saints join with Skeptics to share food and stories of life and faith together.

Worship Gatherings; where Skeptics go with Saints to share in teaching and prayer together.

DNA; where Skeptics become Saints by sharing Scripture and Struggles together.

I want us to think about the Fifth Rhythm that Jesus lived out.

The Read Scripture App is about spending quality time reading the Bible daily while learning how to read it with contextual videos from The Bible Project.

The heart behind Read Scripture is that everyone would read the Bible for themselves and discover the truth and beauty of God's Word. Scripture is God's gift to us, lighting up our paths and drawing us into relationship with Him. Read Scripture is more of an invitation and a commitment than it is a product.

To this end, Read Scripture is curating a year-long Bible reading plan and supplementing the reading with amazingly creative videos (produced by our friends at the Bible Project) that explain every book of the Bible, major theological themes of the gospel, and tips on how to read the Bible.

We are encouraging a new generation to study the Scriptures honestly—to pursue truth even when it doesn't agree with our natural impulses. The vision of Read Scripture is not to tell people what the Bible says, but to teach them how to discover truth for themselves in the Word.

What if thousands of people started their days alone with God, reading Scripture, and responding with adoration and action? It would change everything.

As we engage our neighborhoods through work and trade; building relationships with clients, customers, and coworkers; we will have a much more desperate need to be led by the Word and Spirit of God. What is it going to take to reignite that thirst again for the Word of God? I’m not talking about setting aside time and just finding a place without distractions. I’m talking about wanting to see a revival happen in your work campus so bad that you’re anxiously waiting for God’s next word to tell you what to speak, how to speak it, and who to speak it to. What if you were in His presence so much that others can’t escape the sweet aroma of God off of you.

What if we began to invite our Missional Communities and DNA group to just read these ancient texts together. What if we just asked others to begin meeting up, just to pray about the move of God in a situation. We see how Jesus would constantly spend time with the Father alone, then we see how he would also invite his disciples to come and spend time with the Father together.

This “Fifth Rhythm” that Jesus lived out empowered the other Four Rhythms in his ministry. We would be foolish as a movement to think we could live without this Rhythm in ours.

Jon Collier, Campus Pastor

Diversity Church