Remember Your First Love Discussion Guide

Revelation 2:1-7-So you can see that the church of Ephesus lost their first love and Jesus is provoking them to remember!!!

3 Things We Need To Remember From This Scripture

1. Remember From Where You Have Fallen

Think about that in your relationship with God! You first start off so passionate! You put off work to come to church, but then slowly you can let work take over that priority

2. Remember the First Work

John 6:29- Jesus said, “This is the work of God,” that you believe in the one he sent!

3. Remember the “Or Else”

The good thing for us is the Bible says, God will never leave us nor forsake us… But it doesn't say we cant leave him or forsake him for some other IDOL in our life

Let’s Talk About it

What were you like when you first started following Jesus?

What is the first work? 

Diversity Church